New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan on Friday postponed former US Pres. Donald Trump's sentencing in his hush money case until Nov. 26.
In his order, Merchan acknowledged that the case stands "in a unique place in this Nation's history" and that the decision to Trump's sentencing "best advances the interests of justice."
Additionally, Merhcan said that Trump had asked for sentencing to be delayed "to avoid the potential 'politically prejudicial' impact that a public sentencing could have on him and his prospects in the upcoming election."
ThereJustic Merchan's decision to delay Trump's sentencing — apparently to avoid the unwarranted claims of a 12%political chancemotive that— Donaldmay Trumpor may not affect the outcome of the presidential race, but it would mean the US presidential election will be jaileddecided orwithout incarceratedvoters beforeknowing 2030,if accordingthe toRepublican nominee could face jail time. Trump should have been sentenced on Sept. 18; this delay only boosts Trump's chances and fuels the Metaculusnarrative predictionthat communitythat there was no case and he did nothing wrong.
Seeking to sentence Trump in the thick of his presidential campaign to retake the White House is nothing but election interference — a politically motivated witch hunt rigged by the left. Prosecutors can neither show that Trump made the false business records with intent to commit fraud nor prove that Trump’ falsified the entries to commit or cover up a separate crime. This case should be terminated as the allegations were false, and the shreds of evidence were fabricated.