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Prisoner release in Nicaragua

Prisoner release in Nicaragua

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The Facts

  • Following negotiations with the Nicaraguan government, the United States successfully obtained the release of several political prisoners on Thursday. The White House announced Nicaragua would release 135 prisoners, all Nicaraguan citizens, from jail on humanitarian grounds.Following negotiations with the Nicaraguan government, the United States successfully obtained the release of several political prisoners on Thursday. The White House announced that Nicaragua had released 135 prisoners from jail on humanitarian grounds.

  • Nicaragua has deported the political prisoners to Guatemala before they may travel to the US or other countries. President Daniel Ortega's government has since 2018 increasingly cracked down on the opposition and exiled many opposition members.

  • The Nicaraguan government has shut down over 5K NGOs, private universities, and civil society organizations. The government has unlawfully detained priests and pastors, sometimes hauling them away during Mass.The Nicaraguan government has also shut down over 5K NGOs, private universities, and civil society organizations. The government has detained priests and pastors, sometimes arresting them during Mass.

The Spin

ThereThis iswas 29%a chancediplomatic Nicaraguavictory willfor experiencethe aUS, successfulwhich coupsuccessfully dnegotiated the release of 135 political prisoners from President Ortega'etats beforedictatorship 2040without offering anything in return. Ortega's arbitrary arrests and incarceration of members of the opposition and NGOs, accordingand stripping dissidents of their nationality, must cease. No one should have to Metaculusrisk predictiongetting communityarrested for peacefully exercising their fundamental rights of free expression, assocation, and religtion.

The 2018 mass protests in Nicaragua were a failed coup with foreign backing. The Sandinista National Liberation Front asserts its right to defend the country. Nicaraguan authorities have taken legal action and handed down sentences to individuals charged with conspiracy and treason. The United States continued involvement in Nicaragua's internal affairs is seen as an example of North American imperialism.

Metaculus Prediction

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