Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz first formal interview as the Democratic Party's 2024 Presidential ticket aired Thursday evening on CNN.US Vice Pres. (VP) Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz conducted their first formal interview as the Democratic Party's 2024 Presidential ticket with CNN Thursday evening.
Speaking to Dana Bash, Vice Pres. Harris claimed that her "values have not changed" when asked about policy changes such as fracking, describing this as the "most significant aspect of [her] policy perspective."CNN's Dana Bash asked Harris to comment on her changing views on certain policies over the years, such as her support of banning fracking in 2019, to which Harris replied, "No, and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020."
Harris stated that on day one as President she would begin creating "an opportunity economy," claiming that whilst grocery prices were "still too high" the Biden admin.'s policies had led to COVID-19 recovery "faster than any wealthy nation around the world."On the economy, Harris stated that on day one as president she would begin creating "an opportunity economy," claiming that while grocery prices were "still too high," the Biden admin.'s post-COVID policies have "recoverd [the country] faster than any wealthy nation around the world."
Harris'sTo first interview, to the disappointment of Trumpthe andMAGA the GOP, wasHarris' uncontrovserialfirst andinterview ifwas anything boringuncontrovserial. Having been painted as incompetent under pressure and ideologically radical for weeks, the Democratic nominee was pragmatic and calm throughout Bash's questions as she set out her policy agenda in more detail to the American people. Unfortunately for Republicans, this was not the stumbling block for the Harris-Walz campaign that many had hoped for.
CNN's interview with Harris was, although not a Biden-esque train wreck, weak and deceptive. Bash's questions to Harris were largely poor, and any time the Vicevice Presidentpresident was asked anything remotely uncomfortable it was clear that the Democratic candidate was more than willing to mislead the American people. If Thursday night's performance is anything to go off, the real Kamala Harris will likely be put to the sword in her upcoming live debate with Trump.