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Humanitarian Pauses' In Gaza for Polio Vaccination Likely to Happen in Coming Days

Above: A truck transporting aid from the Emirati aid ship in Al-Arish ports on July 29, 2024 in Arish, Egypt. Image copyright: Ali Moustafa/Stringer/Getty Images Europe via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that parts of Gaza may see a temporary truce so that aid agencies can undertake a polio vaccination campaign. Netanyahu denied reports that a general truce would take place, however.

  • The UN wants to vaccinate an estimated 640K children in Gaza, as the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed last week that at least one baby has been paralyzed due to polio. The UN hopes to begin the vaccination campaign on Sep. 1.

  • The WHO said on Thursday that Israel had agreed to limited "humanitarian pauses" to help facilitate the vaccination campaign. The pauses will reportedly last three days in different areas of the strip, starting in central Gaza.

The Spin

Humanitarian pauses will be necessary to ensure that Gaza's children are protected from polio. Both sides need to respect a temporary truce so that health workers can administer vaccines effectively. Israel has worked with the US and humanitarian agencies to help make this process smoother.

Though Israel is commited to its war goals and the release of all hostages, a polio outbreak in Gaza would be a disaster for both Palestinians and Israelis. Israel has not accepted a cease-fire or a temporary truce that applies to all of Gaza, as the agreement stipulates that specific areas will see a cessation of hostilities.

The US has consistently failed to address Israel's intransigence regarding the situation in Gaza. Allowing for a vaccination campaign is the bear minimum in terms of reducing the suffering of Palestinians who are still facing Israel's genocidal war. Indeed, it is still unclear if this vaccination campaign will even be successful.

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