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Sweden Prosecuting Two Men for Quran Burning

Sweden Prosecuting Two Men for Quran Burning

Above: Yemenis participate in a protest over the burning of the Quran in Sweden and Denmark on July 24, 2023 in Sana'a, Yemen. Image copyright: Mohammed Hamoud/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Swedish Proesecution Authority (SPA) announced Wednesday that two men, Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem, will be prosecuted on "offences of agitation against an ethnic or national group" after the pair were seen burning the Quran last year.The Swedish Prosecution Authority (SPA) announced Wednesday that two men, Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem, will be prosecuted on "offences of agitation against an ethnic or national group" after the pair were seen burning the Quran last year.

  • The men, one of whom is a Christian Iraqi, were seen setting fire to the Islamic holy book on video and in person at protests, including at a Mosque in Stockholm. Besides desecrating and burning the books, they're also accused of disparaging Muslims.

  • In response, one of the men's lawyers argued that his "client's" actions were "protected by the Swedish constitution," which establishes freedoms of speech and assembly.

The Spin

Burning the Quran is not protected under free speech, as it's clearly been used by far-right activists and others to insult and provoke Muslims. Europe has laws against several other speech-adjacent acts, such as Holocaust denial and defaming royal families, which are intended to incite hatred against certain groups of people. Burning the Quran is no different under the law.

The only hypocrasyhypocrisy in this debate is that while Western countries cater to the emotions of violentdemonstrations, Muslimmany mobs,governments in the Muslim governmentsworld allow violence against Christians to run rampant in their countries. OneIt's religiousvital groupthat hasdouble lawsstandards writtenare aroundaddressed itsto preferencesprotect whilepeople theof otherall isfaiths forcedas towell giveas upuphold itsthe beleifsvalues and live in fear of thefree otherspeech.

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