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Study: Shroud of Turin Samples 'Consistent With the Tortures of Jesus Christ'

Image copyright: Stefano Guidi/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Italian researchers who analyzed samples from the Shroud of Turin — linen cloth some believe to be the burial shroud of Jesus — said they found small blood particles showing signs of organ failure, trauma and other injuries, arguing this supported the notion that the crucifixion of Christ was a real historical event.

  • The study, published in July in the journal of Hematology Case Reports and Reviews by Giulio Fanti of the University of Padua, concluded that materials found in the cloth "are consistent with the tortures of Jesus Christ described in the Holy Bible."

  • Debate about the Shroud of Turin — one of the world's most scrutinized artifacts — has persisted for centuries. First documented in France in the 1350s, many scientists believe that the cloth is of medieval origin and a forgery.

The Spin

The scientific community has for years dismissed that the Shroud of Turin is the genuine article in which Jesus Christ was buried before his resurrection. However, these latest developments may just overturn that and contribute to the evidence that Jesus Christ was in fact a real human being.

While the new studies suggest that the Shroud of Turin could in fact be much older than previously thought, the scientists who carried out the research warned that a number of assumptions were necessary to reach their conclusions and that much more testing needs to be carried out to confirm the provenance of this alleged relic.

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