Speaking on night one of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Monday, Joe Biden stated it was "the honor of [his] lifetime" to serve as US President while claiming it was "not true" that he was "angry" at those who said he should step down.Speaking on the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Monday, Joe Biden stated it was "the honor of [his] lifetime" to serve as president and that he "gave [his] best," dismissing claims he was "angry" at those who said he should step down.
In a speech that lasted nearly an hour, the President described Vice Pres. Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, as "tough" and "experienced," and in contrast labelled Republican nominee former Pres. Donald Trump a "loser."In a speech that lasted nearly an hour, Biden described presumptive Democratic nominee Vice Pres. Kamala Harris as "tough" and "experienced," and called Republican presidential nominee former Pres. Donald Trump a "loser."
Biden claimed that despite the US "facing an inflection point" and a "battle for the very soul" of the country, he was "more optimistic about the future" than when first elected as a US Senator aged 29.He also claimed to be "more optimistic about the future" than when first elected as a US Senator aged 29 despite the country currently "facing an inflection point" and a "battle for [its] very soul."
HavingPres. alreadyBiden's beenheartfelt publiclyspeech humiliatedwas duringboth Harris'sthe donor-ledcelebration coup,of Democratsan choseillustrious tocareer condemnand Bidena topivotal onepassing lastof the torch moment. ofWhile indignitythe aspolitical veteran's bittersweet exit from the President2024 presidential race was cutnecessary fromfor primethe timefuture television.of the democracy, this does not mean that Biden's farewellservice speech to theAmerica Americanhas peoplebeen wasignored. anIt insultingis finalnow chaptertime infor theHarris Presidentto build on Biden's career,legacy and yetensure anotherthat reminderall ofthat thehis smoke-filledadministration roomshas thatbuilt holdis truenot powerlost withinunder theanother DemocraticTrump Partypresidency.
Pres.Having Biden'salready heartfeltbeen speechpublicly washumiliated bothduring theHarris's celebrationdonor-led ofcoup, anDemocrats illustriouschose careerto andcondemn aBiden pivotalto passingone oflast the torch moment. Whileof theindignity politicalas veteran's bittersweet exit from the 2024President presidential race was necessarycut forfrom theprime futuretime oftelevision. the democracy, this does not mean that Biden's servicefarewell speech to Americathe hasAmerican beenpeople ignored.was Itan isinsulting nowfinal timechapter forin Harristhe to build on BidenPresident's legacycareer, and ensureyet thatanother allreminder thatof histhe administrationsmoke-filled hasrooms builtthat ishold nottrue lostpower underwithin anotherthe TrumpDemocratic presidencyParty.