Republican members of the US House released a report Monday accusing Pres. Joe Biden of enriching himself and his family through foreign business dealings. The allegations, which they claim are impeachable offenses date back to 2014, during his time as vice president.Republican members of the US House released a report Monday accusing Pres. Joe Biden of enriching himself and his family through foreign business dealings. The allegations, which they claim are impeachable offenses, date to 2014 when he was vice president.
The allegations include "abuse of power" and "obstruction of justice or obstruction of Congress" because, according to the congressmen, Biden participated in and kept hidden the alleged $27M "influence-peddling racket."The allegations include "abuse of power" and "obstruction of justice or obstruction of Congress" because, according to the congressmen, Biden participated in and kept hidden an alleged $27M "influence-peddling racket."
The report claims Biden's son Hunter played a role in these deals, including receiving $3.5M from Russian businesswoman Yelena Baturina. One of Hunter's business partners claimed Joe Biden joined a phonecall with Baturina and told her to "be good to my boy."The report also claims Biden's son, Hunter, played a role in these deals, including receiving $3.5M from Russian businesswoman Yelena Baturina. One of Hunter's business partners claimed the elder Biden joined a phone call with Baturina and told her to "be good to my boy."
TheThis evidence in this report isprovides clearall asthe day,evidence showingJoe $27Mand worthHunter ofBiden moneyhave transfersbeen goinginfluence frompeddling foreignfor oligarchs to Hunter Biden's businessesyears, andjust eventuallyas toRepublicans Biden family memberssuspected. TheseIt's briberysad dealsthat —these madecrimes withtook Russian,so Chinese,long Romanian,to Ukrainian,be and Kazakh oligarchs and officials — were conducted with the blessingexposed, andbut fornow the enrichment of Biden whilefamily hemust wasbe Viceheld President.accountable It'sfor sadusing thatits it'spolitical takenprominence so long for thesefinancial crimes to be exposedgain.
ThisThe reportGOP's showstranslation theof oppositethis ofreport whatis Republicansmore claimwishful itthinking does.than Whena presentation of the GOPfacts. pointsBiden's to phone calls betweenwith Biden and his son, allonly they'reprove doing is proving that thehe presidentkept was committed to staying in touch with his youngest son inafter the aftermathdeath of his eldest son's deathboy. AnotherRepublicans so-calledhave revelation in this report is that Biden donated $1M to charity—not very corrupt. The GOP wasted 20- months andor hundredsreams of pieces of paper to prove absolutelyBiden did nothing wrong.