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Snapshot 1:Mon, Aug 19, 2024 7:36:49 PM GMT last edited by Brian

House Republicans Accuse Biden of Impeachable Offenses

Image copyright: Anna Moneymaker/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

    The Spin

    The evidence in this report is clear as day, showing $27M worth of money transfers going from foreign oligarchs to Hunter Biden's businesses, and eventually to Biden family members. These bribery deals — made with Russian, Chinese, Romanian, Ukrainian, and Kazakh oligarchs and officials — were conducted with the blessing, and for the enrichment of Biden while he was Vice President. It's sad that it's taken so long for these crimes to be exposed.

    This report shows the opposite of what Republicans claim it does. When the GOP points to phone calls between Biden and his son, all they're doing is proving that the president was committed to staying in touch with his youngest son in the aftermath of his eldest son's death. Another so-called revelation in this report is that Biden donated $1M to charity—not very corrupt. The GOP wasted 20-months and hundreds of pieces of paper to prove absolutely nothing.

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