Russia and Ukraine traded blame for a fire that broke out at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) on Sunday. The plant has been under Russian control since the first weeks of the war.Russia and Ukraine have traded blame for a fire that broke out at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) on Sunday. The plant has been under Russian control since the first weeks of the war.
In posts on social media, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said: "We see from the city of Nikopol that the occupiers have started a fire on the territory of the ZNPP. As of now the radiation level is normal. However, as long as Russian terrorists remain in control of the nuclear power plant, the situation is not and cannot be normal."In a post on social media, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said: "the occupiers have started a fire on the territory of the ZNPP. As of now the radiation level is normal. However, as long as Russian terrorists remain in control of the nuclear power plant, the situation is not and cannot be normal."
Yevhen Yevtushenko, head of Ukraine's military administration in Nikopol, said: "Unofficial reports obtained from sources on the opposite bank say that the Russians set fire to a large quantity of car tyres in the cooling tower. This may be a provocation or an attempt to cause panic in the settlements on the right bank of the former reservoir."
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