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Scientists Create Pancreas-Mimicking Insulin

"Smart"Scientists InsulinCreate SetPancreas-Mimicking to Revolutionize Type 1 Diabetes TreatmentInsulin

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The Facts

  • US, Australian, and Chinese researchers have reportedly developed insulins that respond to blood sugar changes like the way the body would do naturally.Researchers in the US, Australia, and China have developed smart insulins that mimic and respond to the body's natural response to changing blood sugar levels.

  • Getting activated when needed, this smart insulin may ensure that those with type-1 diabetes need treatment once a week — and not up to 10 times as they do now.This novel insulin, activated only when needed, could reduce the frequency of Type 1 diabetes treatments to just once a week rather than up to 10 times a day.

  • This new form of insulin has been developed together at Stanford University in the US, Monash University in Australia, and Zhejiang University in China.The researchers at Stanford University in the US, Monash University in Australia, and Zhejiang University in China have been awarded over £2.7M to develop the next-generation insulins.

The Spin

"Smart"This insulindevelopment couldnot dramaticallyonly improvepromises to reduce the livesfrequency of peopletreatments withbut typealso 1to diabetes.significantly Reducingreduce the needrisk forof multiplelong-term dailyhealth injectionscomplications. toIt justcould oncealso afree week,millions itof wouldType free1 themdiabetes patients from the constant need for glucose monitoring, thereby easing both physical and mental burdens. The technology aims to maintain stable blood sugar levels more effectively than current treatments, potentially reducing long-term health complications. It promises to simplify diabetes management, offering patients greater freedom and peace of mind in their daily lives.

While newthey "smartcan insulins"be show promisepromising, accessibility remainsand aaffordability remain critical issueissues. DespiteOnly insulin'swhen discoverers intending it to be widely availableolder, itcheaper hasversions becomeof prohibitivelythe expensivedrug forare manydiscontinued patients.and Theunhealthy problem,competition therefore,is isn'tchecked aboutcan creatingthese bettergame-changing insulins alonereplace but ensuring affordable access to existing treatments. Strategies like discontinuing older, cheaper versions and blockingimprove competitiondiabetics' have kept prices highlives.

Metaculus Prediction

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