US Pres. Joe Biden is not confident of a peaceful transition of power if the Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, loses the presidential election.In a clip of an interview with CBS News, airing Sunday, US Pres. Joe Biden said he is "not confident at all" of a peaceful transition of power if the Republican candidate, former Pres. Donald Trump, loses the 2024 presidential election.
"I'm not confident at all," Biden told CBS News in an interview -- to be aired Sunday -- when asked if he was confident of an orderly power transfer in January.Biden, who has quit the presidential race, emphasized that "He [Trump] means what he says," referring to Trump's past statement that there would be an economic "bloodbath" in the auto industry if Democrats win.
Reiterating the Democratic line of attack while talking to CBS News, Biden, who has quit the presidential race, emphasized: "[Trump] means what he says."Regarding the larger Republican Party, he said, "Look what they’re trying to do now, in the local election districts where people count the votes," though it's unclear what exactly Biden was accusing his opponents of doing.
GivenIt's hisnot trackjust recordTrump ofrepeating underminingthis theanti-democracy electoralrhetoric; process,his Donaldwhole Trumpcampaign cannotstrategy beis trustedbased toon ensureit. aOne peacefulof transferhis oftop poweradvisors inrecently Januarystated 2025.that Heteam hasTrump persistentlywon't castaccept doubtany on election results, spreadinguntil unfoundedInauguration claims of voter fraudDay, particularlysuggesting regardingit mail-inwill ThisTrump behavior,and aimedonly atTrump delegitimizingwho elections,is posessworn ainto threatoffice tonext theyear. democraticThe traditionpro-Trump ofRepublican peacefulParty transitions.has Thisbecome signalseerily acomfortable potentialwith forthis significantlanguage, disruption and forthe underminingAmerican thepublic integrityshould ofbe theaware democraticof processit.
Donald Trump's norm-breaking actions are more spectacle than substance. There is absolutely no evidence that he seeks to unconstitutionally seize power. The real danger lies in neglecting underlying social and economic issues. Focusing on exaggerated threats of tyranny distracts from addressing economic inequalities and social justice, which are the true sources of political instability. And that is the real threat to US democracy, not Trump.