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Snapshot 3:Wed, Aug 7, 2024 8:58:47 PM GMT last edited by ArthursSeat22

UK Police Prepare for More Potential Riots

UK Police Prepare for More Potential Riots

    Above: Police patrol the area around the Merseyside Refugee Support Network building which has been boarded up in preparation for more unrest on August 07, 2024 in Liverpool, England. Image copyright: Ryan Jenkinson/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Thousands of police in the UK were deployed Wednesday, including 1.3k on standby in London, in preparation for potential violent riots over immigration. One police source said online chatgroups were discussing potential locations to riot, including immigration agencies and law firms.Thousands of UK police were deployed Wednesday — including 1.3K on standby in London — in preparation for potential violent riots over immigration. One police source said online chatgroups suggested immigration agencies and law firms may be targeted.

    • Counter-protesters have already gathered in places like Bristol, where roughly 200 anti-immigration protesters clashed with pro-immigration counterparts Saturday night. Some government workers were told to stay home to avoid potential violence.Counter-protesters have already gathered in cities including Bristol, where roughly 200 anti-immigration protesters clashed with pro-immigration counterparts Saturday night. Some government workers were told to stay home to avoid potential violence.

    • In Brentford, police Wednesday evening separated right-wing protesters from counter-protesters who were holding "Stand Up to Racism" posters. As right-wing protests were rumored to be coming to an asylum center in Liverpool, counter-protesters set up ahead of time and a police helicopter flew above.Police have not "ruled out" pressing demonstrators with terrorism charges, while the Office of Communications (Ofcom) has asked social media companies to combat content that promotes hatred. However, it added that such actions won't be mandatory until the Online Safety Act takes effect in "a few months."

    The Spin

    Far-right thugs have taken advantage of a tragic killing and used it to fuel race hatred across the country. As the town of Southport mourns the loss of those killed in a kife attack, racistbigoted agitators have used the tragedy as an excuse to throw the nation into a race war. There is no place for Islamophobia, racism, or violence of any kind in the UK, and the goverment will protect those being targeted and prosectute those targeting them.

    While the government acts like neonazis have just appeared out of nonowhere, wherewith wantingno toreason fightbehind ethnictheir minoritiesactions, it has taken no interest in learning the fundamental cause of resentment across the country. While violent thugs have certainly taken advantage of the situation, there are far more peaceful White Britons who simply wish to be acknowledged again. This climate of resentment will only continue so long as the government maintains its public disdain for the anti White working class.

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