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SCOTUS Won't Intervene in Trump 'Hush Money' Case

SCOTUS DeclinesWon't to 'Intervene' in Trump 's Hush Money' Case

Image copyright: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The SCOTUS handed down a brief order on Monday in Missouri v. New York, without laying out its reasoning, dismissing a motion that asked justices to intervene in former Pres. Donald Trump's hush money case to lift the gag order imposed on him and defer his sentencing.The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday dismissed a motion in Missouri v. New York that asked justices to intervene in former Pres. Donald Trump's hush money case by lifting his gag order and deferring his sentencing. They didn't provide a reason for their decision.

  • Missouri Attorney General Andrew filed the lawsuit against the state of New York on July 3, alleging that the case against the Republican nominee would violate the First Amendment right of Missouri citizens to hear from a presidential candidate.Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed the lawsuit against the state of New York on July 3, alleging the case against the Republican nominee would violate the First Amendment rights of Missouri citizens to hear from a presidential candidate.

  • Under the US Constitution, the SCOTUS has the so-called original jurisdiction in disputes between states, meaning that it's the lawsuit goes directly to the top court. Such cases are rare but have been seen at least twice since 2020.Under the US Constitution, SCOTUS has the so-called "original jurisdiction" in disputes between states, meaning that any interstate lawsuit goes directly to the high court. Such cases are rare but have been seen at least twice since 2020.

The Spin

It'sSCOTUS hardshould tohave understandintervened whyin the SCOUTS has dismissed this motion, especially because the court has stopped short of explaining its reasoningcase. The gag order imposed upon Trump in the hush money case clearly violates the First Amendment rights of every American to receive information and ideas, as established in Stanley v. Georgia.

The SCOTUS tookmade the right — and most obvious — decision by rejecting Missouri's lawsuit against the state of New York with regard to Trump's hush money case. It's completely absurd to claim that the gag ordersorder placed on the former president and his impending sentencesentencing amount to election interference.

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