According to a recently published study, one-fifth of medicines in Africa could be substandard or fake and can result in failed treatments and preventable deaths.According to a recently published study, as much as one-fifth of medicines in Africa could be substandard or fake, resulting in failed treatments and preventable deaths.
Researchers from Ethiopia’s Bahir Dar University reviewed 27 studies and analyzed about 7,508 medicine samples. At least 1,639 samples failed quality tests, indicating that substandard and falsified medicines are prevalent in Africa.
The researchers linked the high proportion of substandard or falsified medicines to poor surveillance systems, higher demand, and free trade zones in the region.The researchers linked the high proportion of substandard or falsified medicines to poor surveillance systems, high demand, and free trade zones in the region.
WhileThis study raises the study'salarm findingsover area worrying,public Africahealth isn’tcrisis manufacturingthat subparcould orbe counterfeitcontributing Countriesthe outsidedeaths of thecountless continent,patients suchin aslow- China and India,middle-income arecountries. theBesides producersincreasing andpublic suppliersawareness, ofstakeholders fakemust medicines.strengthen Thissupply ischains aand globalimprove publiclogistical healthissues crisisto prevent, detect, and askingrespond only African stakeholders to fixsubstandard thisand problemfalsified is unfairmedicines.
ThisWhile the study's raisesfindings theare alarmworrying, overAfrica aisn’t publicmanufacturing healthsubpar crisisor thatcounterfeit couldmedicines. beCountries contributingoutside toof the deathscontinent, ofsuch countlessas patientsChina inand low-India, are the producers and middle-incomesuppliers countries.of Besidesfake increasingmedicines. publicThis awareness,is thea stakeholdersglobal mustpublic strengthenhealth supplycrisis, chains and improveputting logisticalthe issuesemphasis toonly prevent,on detect,African andstakeholders respond to substandardfix andthis falsifiedproblem medicinesis unfair.