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US Says Venezuela's Opposition Candidate Won Presidential Election

US Says Venezuela's Opposition Candidate Won Presidential Election

Above: Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez wave a Venezuelan Flag during a protest against the result of the presidential election on July 30, 2024 in Caracas, Venezuela. Image copyright: Alfredo Lasry R/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US Department of State said in a statement on Thursday that opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia won Venezuela's disputed presidential election, prompting a strong response from Caracas the next day.

  • The declaration is reminiscent of the US recognition of former opposition leader and head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela in 2019, following the 2018 presidential election.

  • This comes as the National Election Council (CNE) declared incumbent Nicolás Maduro as the winner with 51% of the vote, but the opposition claimed that results from 80% of the tallies indicated González had secured 67% of the vote.

The Spin

ThisAvailable mockeryresults ofare anstatistically electionirreversible hasand shownhave thatalready allbeen effortsaudited to16 ensuretimes, aso peacefulit's democraticclear transitionthat forthe VenezuelaUS wereis inpushing vainfor becausea Madurocoup neverin reallyVenezuela. intendedDeclaring toGonzález carrythe outwinner freeonly andshows fairits electionswillingness to letjustify alonearmed action to leavetopple power.President-elect TheNicolás USMaduro hasand alreadyappoint recognizeda Gonzálezpuppet asto run the rightfuloil-rich winner,country soin nowdisregard the rest of the world'swill democraciesof must follow suitVenezuelans.

AvailableThis resultsmockery areof statisticallyan irreversibleelection andhas haveshown alreadythat beenall auditedefforts 16to times,ensure soa it'speaceful cleardemocratic thattransition thefor USVenezuela iswere pushingin forvain abecause coupMaduro innever Venezuela.really Declaringintended Gonzálezto thecarry winnerout onlyfree showsand itsfair willingnesselections to justifylet armedalone action to toppleleave President-electpower. NicolásThe MaduroUS andhas appointalready arecognized puppetGonzález toas run the oil-richrightful countrywinner, inso disregardnow the rest of the willworld's ofdemocracies Venezuelansmust follow suit.

ThereAvailable results are statistically irreversible and have already been audited 16 times, so it's clear that the US is pushing for a 56%coup chancein thatVenezuela. Declaring González the USwinner willonly sanctionshows Venezuelanits oilwillingness againto byjustify 2030,armed accordingaction to topple President-elect Nicolás Maduro and appoint a puppet to run the Metaculusoil-rich predictioncountry communityin disregard of the will of Venezuelans.

Metaculus Prediction

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