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Report: Over 900 Native Children Died in US Boarding Schools

Report: CloseOver to900 1K Native American Children Died in US Boarding Schools

Image copyright: Unsplash

The Facts

  • According to a probe by the US Interior Department, at least 973 Native American children died between 1819 and 1969 in federal boarding schools.

  • The report, released Tuesday, claims to have found at least 74 marked and unmarked burial sites at 65 former schools, which forcibly assimilated Indian children to "destroy their culture."

  • Acknowledging that the actual number of deaths may be higher and recommending an official apology, the report alleges the schools targeted American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian people.

The Spin

The Church, as well as the US government, must apologize for their role in the cultural destruction and forced assimilation of innocent children and implausible abuse and mistreatment of children at federal and religious groups-run boarding schools.

While this probe highlights the grave injustices Indigenous children faced, the survivors and their descendants must be assured that this dark chapter of history will be duly acknowledged, which can lead to collective healing and restoration of their cultural identity.

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