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Snapshot 3:Thu, Jul 25, 2024 8:52:04 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

Papua New Guinea: Gang Kills at Least 26 in Village Ambush

Papua New Guinea: Gang Kills at Least 26 in Village Ambush

Image copyright: Unsplash

The Facts

  • A gang in Papua New Guinea (PNG) last week killed at least 26 people, including 16 children, across the Sepik River villages of Tamara, Tambari, and Angrumara in East Sepik’s Angoram district.Papua New Guinea (PNG) police reported on Thursday that a gang killed at least 26 people, including 16 children, across the Sepik River villages of Tamara, Tambari, and Angrumara in East Sepik’s Angoram district last week.

  • According to UN human rights chief Volker Turk, the attack, which left some people beheaded and others fleeing as their homes were burned, was "seemingly...the result of a dispute over land and lake ownership and user rightsAccording to UN human rights chief Volker Türk, the attack, which left some people beheaded and others fleeing as their homes were burned, was "seemingly...the result of a dispute over land and lake ownership and user rights."

  • Provincial Gov. Allan Bird said there are only 20 police officers for the province of 100k people, but local police have already identified over 30 men who were involved in the attack, which also included sexual violence.Provincial Gov. Allan Bird said there are only 20 police officers for the province of 100K people, while local police have reportedly already identified over 30 men who were involved in the attack, which also included sexual violence.

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