Footage shows a UK police officer on Tuesday kicking and stomping on the head of a suspect who was lying face down at the Manchester Airport. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said officers were previously attacked while trying to arrest someone over a fight at Terminal 2.
The police added more detail about the events leading up to the video, stating that as they were responding to a fight at 8:25 pm Tuesday, three officers were attacked, punched to the ground, and a female officer suffered a broken nose.
Alongside the male officer holding a taser and kicking the motionless man, the video alo shows another man on a bench being kicked by police as he holds his head. One officer has been suspended from duty.
As public trust in British police falls to record lows, it appears certain officers have decided to double down on their use of excessive force. This was clearly racially motivated as well, which is why the police trotted out one of their few officals of the same race as the victims to speak on the department's behalf. All people deserve to be protected by police, not treated like second class citzens.
The UK police have been forced into cowardice rather than excessive force recently, including running away from violent riots in Leeds last week. These officers, who were a special kind of armed police in charge of protecting against terrorism, acted quickly and forcefully after a violent group broke another officer's nose. The public is probably thankful that criminals were finally being put in their place.