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Snapshot 3:Tue, Jul 23, 2024 6:46:26 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

AP: Harris Has Enough Delegates for Democratic Nomination

AP: Harris Has Enough Delegates for Democratic Nomination

Above: VP Kamala Harris at a campaign event July 17. Image copyright: Chris duMond/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A survey by the Associated Press revealed late Monday that US Vice President Kamala Harris already has the support of enough Democratic delegates to earn her party's nomination for president and to run against Republican former Pres. Donald Trump.A survey by the Associated Press revealed late Monday that US Vice President Kamala Harris already has the support of enough Democratic delegates to earn her party's nomination for president and to face off against Republican former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • State delegations in Texas and her home state of California were among those that met Monday and threw their support behind Harris, who also set a 24-hour record for presidential donations by raising $81M by the end of Monday.

  • As many of her potential rivals have declined to challenge her, Harris has exceeded the 1,976 candidate total necessary to clinch the nomination. Delegate support, however, isn't binding until they cast their vote sometime between Aug. 1-7.

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