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Trump Proposes Automatic Green Cards For US Colleges' Foreign Graduates

Trump Proposes Automatic Green Cards For US Colleges' Foreign Graduates

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The Facts

  • Former US President Donald Trump has suggested that foreign students graduating from US colleges, including junior colleges, should "automatically" get green cards

  • Former US President Donald Trump has suggested providing automatic green cards for foreign students graduating from US colleges, including junior colleges

The Spin

Encouraging foreign students in the US is key to economic growth and innovation. International students, particularly in STEM fields, fill essential roles in the workforce, boosting local economies and addressing labor shortages. They account for a significant percentage of graduate students in vital disciplines like electrical engineering and computer science. Research shows that many of these graduates stay and work in their state of study, contributing to job creation and lowering unemployment rates.

Studies have shown that despite recognizing foreign students' positive impact on education and the economy, only 33% of US voters support reversing enrolment declines at universities. Concerns over security, visa overstays, and competition for university spots prevail. Most are wary of significantly increasing international student numbers in the US. This cautious stance highlights a preference for balanced immigration policies that protect American interests.

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