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Snapshot 3:Thu, Jun 13, 2024 8:52:48 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

Macron Suspends Controversial Voting Reform in New Caledonia

Macron Suspends Controversial Voting Reform in New Caledonia

Image copyright: Pool/Pool/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • French Pres. Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday suspended controversial voting reforms in Pacific island New Caledonia, prompted by one month of violent protests and civil unrest in the French colony

  • French Pres. Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday suspended controversial voting reforms in Pacific island New Caledonia, prompted by one month of violent protests and civil unrest in the French colony.

The Spin

French colonialism has subjugated the Kanak people of New Caledonia for far too long, creating a situation in which a native people have become a minority. The proposed voting reforms would have further disenfranchised Kanaks by diluting their votes and undermining their efforts for increased self-governance. Macron and his government have botched this situation, and the Kanak people were justified in their protest of France’s ongoing colonization.

The situation around the Kanak people exposes the stunning hypocrisy of the left. Establishment liberals are eager to voice concern over the plight of an indigenous group becoming a demographic and political minority in their homeland by non-indigenous immigrants. That is, unless the indigenous group is White Europeans. The same sense of self-determination should be given to the European people as they face a similar predicament.

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