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Biden and Macron Use D-Day to Rally Support for Ukraine

Biden and Macron Use D-Day to Rally Support for Ukraine

Image copyright: Jordan Pettitt/Pool/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Veterans and world leaders on Thursday commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings in France, the 1944-effort in which 150K Allied troops invaded France by land and sea in order to drive out the occupying Nazi forces.

  • Veterans and world leaders on Thursday commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings in France, the 1944-effort in which 150K Allied troops invaded France by land and sea in order to drive out the occupying Nazi forces.

The Spin

US Pres. Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron were right to invoke the memory of the Allied defeat of totalitarianism in World War II. Ukraine is fighting the same fight and it needed to be made clear that they will not face Russia alone.

Arrogant Western elites are trying to erase the Soviet contributions to World War II from the history books. D-Day would not have been possible without the sacrifice of at least 25M Russian troops whose army went on to hand several defeats to the Germans before that fateful day in 1944.

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