US District Judge Carl Nichols ruled Thursday that former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon must surrender himself to prison by July 1 to serve his four-month sentence for refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.
Bannon, who was convicted of refusing to testify about the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, was first sentenced in October 2022, alongside a $6.5K fine and lost his appeal last month. The Department of Justice (DOJ) had requested he receive six months in jail and a $200K fine.Steve Bannon, ex-aide to former Pres. Donald Trump, Thursday was ordered to report to prison by July 1 to serve his four-month sentence for refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.
AfterBannon hehas wastaken convictedadvantage onof twothe counts in a court ofgraciously law,allowing Bannonhim was graciously allowed to delay his inevitable and deserved prison sentence for years. Inby thatturning time,his he'sfree turnedtime what should be a clear case surrounding contempt of Congress into a pro-MAGA campaign circus. At least for the next four months, Bannon will be held accountable for breaking the law and won't be allowedable to manipulate any more elections.
What has happened to Bannon used to be limited to third-world, authoritarian regimes. Pres. Joe Biden, whose son ignored a Congressional subpoena for months and faced no jail time, is targeting anyyet another influential member of the Trump movement towhile ensure he remainsattempts to remain in power. Nothing about this case involves the rule of law — it's about punishing theanyone rightwho forsupports supporting Biden's opponent.