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Snapshot 3:Sun, May 26, 2024 11:50:00 AM GMT last edited by JoseMoura

Sir Patrick Vallance Claims Another Pandemic 'Absolutely Inevitable'

Sir Patrick Vallance Claims Another Pandemic 'Absolutely Inevitable'

Image copyright: *** GETTY *** Leon Neal/Getty Images

The Facts

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  • Former UK chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance told a panel at the Hay Festival that another pandemic is "absolutely inevitable" and called for treating pandemic preparations similarly to the armed forces because it will come without warning.

The Spin

...Rather than if, the next pandemic is merely a question of when — and the world must be ready because human timetables will be worthless. That is why a global pandemic treaty has to be in place as soon as possible to improve preparedness and response to such an event so as to ensure a safer future for the humankind.

There's a 5% chance that at least 10 countries will ratify a new international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community....

Metaculus Prediction

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