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US Announces Visa Restrictions for Republic of Georgia

US Announces Visa Restrictions for Republic of Georgia

Image copyright: Nicolo Vincenzo Malvestuto/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US has issued a new visa restriction policy for Georgians over the recently passed "foreign influence" law that the White House alleges stifles freedoms of association and expression.

  • The US has issued a new visa restriction policy for Georgians in response to that country's recently passed "foreign influence" law that the White House alleges stifles freedoms of association and expression.

The Spin

The foreign influence law is part of a larger trend to dismantle civil society, undermine NGOs, and weaken democratic forces in Georgia. It's an authoritarian move to crush dissent and shift the former Soviet republic from a pro-Western course back toward Russia. The US must do what it can to prevent the country's slide toward autocracy.

Georgia needs this law to preserve its sovereignty, promote transparency, and block foreign forces from eroding its democratic principles. The meddling of outside powers, including the US, in Georgia's internal affairs validates the legislation's significance. Washington must refrain from blackmailing a sovereign, independent state.

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