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Study: Daily Cannabis Use Exceeds Daily Drinking in US

Study: Daily Cannabis Use Exceeds Daily Drinking in US

Image copyright: Johannes Simon/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A study published in the journal Addiction on Wednesday has that found more Americans self-report using cannabis on a daily basis than Americans that report drinking on a daily or near-daily basis as of 2022.

  • A study published in the journal Addiction on Wednesday has found that more Americans self-report using cannabis on a daily basis than Americans that report drinking on a daily or near-daily basis as of 2022.

The Spin

In addition to its growing societal acceptance, cannabis is generally less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, which makes legal marijuana a public health victory. It's time to end the war on marijuana and bring policy in line with the public desire for legalization.

Cannabis' risk to mental health and addiction is still unclear and its proliferation as a legal substance is nothing to celebrate. Daily use could be a huge risk factor for schizophrenia and other disorders. We need far more research before we proceed with expanding access to this drug.

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