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Snapshot 3:Mon, May 20, 2024 7:29:43 PM GMT last edited by Brian

US Citizens Arrested For Role in Attempted Congo Coup

US Citizens Arrested For Role in Attempted Congo Coup

Image copyright:Β Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) army on Sunday said it had arrested around 50 persons, including three US citizens, for attempting a coup in the country.

  • The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) army on Sunday said it had arrested around 50 people, including three US citizens, for attempting a coup in the country.

The Spin

The DRC's recent chaotic election saw President Tshisekedi win amid accusations of corruption and questions about his legitimacy. DespiteWhile the challenges, the DRC has made democratic gainsprogress, but its people remain impoverished and thus are searching for alternative leadership. Fighting corruption and improving governance are essential for peace and development, but that can only happen if Western powers work with the Congolese people rather than the nation's kleptocrats.

PresidentAs Tshisekedi,this challengedstory bycontinues figuresto includingunfold, Nobelit's laureateimportant Denisnot Mukwege,to hasminimize governedthe amidfact crackdownsthat onAmerican opposition.citizens Congo,were crucialinvolved forin itsthis cobaltattempted andcoup. rainforests,Given facesthe severeUS' politicalhistory andof humanitarianmeddling TheCongolese USaffairs, historicallyincluding complicitthe inAmerican Congoprivate military company Bancroft's struggles,recent notablyattack on Chinese-owned mines in the assassinationcountry, ofit Primewouldn't Ministersurprise Lumumba,the owesCongolese Congopeople greaterif supportUS andforces aidwere toinvolved fosterhere, true democratic progresstoo.

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