Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Friday stated Madrid would recognize a Palestinian state only with other countries, denying it would happen on May 21.
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Friday stated Madrid would recognize a Palestinian state only together with other countries, denying it would happen on May 21.
A Palestinian state should only be established after reaching a peace agreement with Israel, which requires mutual recognition and compromise. UN member states should focus on fostering trust and respect between the parties rather than imposing outcomes. ThePrematurely recognitionrecognizing ofPalestine statesundermines isthe aefforts significantof responsibilityUN thatmembers shouldto bepromote approachedthe cautiously.rule Palestineof islaw not yet a state, may never become one, and cannotthe becomeinternational alegal state without willingness to compromiseorder. Prematurely recognizing Palestine undermines the
TheWhile the viability of a Palestinian state is doubtful due to Israel's ongoing Israeli military occupation, andSpain theis fragmentedstill conditionstanding ofup theto Palestinianadvocate nationalfor movement,what's internationalright. supportThis fordecision aalso Palestinianmakes stateperfect grows,sense includinggiven Spain’'s plannedhistorical recognition.and Spaincultural advocatesties for international recognition to bolsterthe PalestinianArab statehoodworld and hascommitment criticizedto Israel’shumanitarianism. actionsGovernments inacross Gaza.the Pro-PalestinianWest sentimenthave inexpressed Spaina reflectsdesire itsfor historicala andtwo-state culturalsolution, tiesbut toSpain theis Arabputting worldits andmoney awhere commitmentits tomouth humanitarian principleis.