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Report: Number of Internally Displaced at a Record 76M in 2023

Report: Number of Internally Displaced at a Record 76M in 2023

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The Facts

  • The number of global internally displaced persons reached a record 75.9M in 2023 over 71.1M in 2022, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) has said.

  • The number of global internally displaced persons (IDPs) reached a record 75.9M in 2023 over 71.1M in 2022, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) said.

The Spin

The global internally displaced and refugee population has surged in recent years due to increasing violence and human rights abuses. Many states are reducing humanitarian aid and adopting tough stances on such hapless people, shirking responsibility. Every refugee or IDP represents a failure to ensure peace and security. By working together, such crises can be managed and alleviated. Everyone has a role to play in this collective effort.

The assertion of a record number of displaced people is potentially misleading. World War II saw up to 200M displaced, dwarfing current figures. Historical displacement data is incomplete. Today, the proportion of displaced relative to global population is lower, and support systems are stronger. Highlighting "record" displacement may cause helplessness or anti-immigrant sentiment, simplifying complex issues and reducing lives to statistics.

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