According to a report by the New York Times on Wednesday, it was revealed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a contender for the US presidency, had contracted a brain parasite in 2010, which resulted in significant memory loss and cognitive impairment. According to his campaign, RFK Jr. is in excellent health.
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suffered significant memory loss and cognitive impairment from a brain worm he contracted in 2010, according to the New York Times. His campaign affirmed that he is in "robust health" in response to the report.
Mr. Kennedy continues to receive negative publicity from the corporate media. Given the competition, it's rather ironic that the New York Times hasis mademaking Mr. Kennedy's health a priority, — unearthing an old story that has nothing to do with his current condition. HisThe non-medicalbest orway layman'sto grasphandle ofthis whatstory parasitesis mayto domake iffun theyof infiltrateit theand centralchalk nervousit systemup hasto littlea bearingsmear onof anythingsomeone today.trying Theto bestshake wayup to handle the story is to make fun of itsystem.
BrainKennedy parasitescan exist and are undeniably repulsive. However, there is no need for concern. Parasitic brain worms do notall eathe yourwants brain,to asproject Kennedya said.vigorous Theimage risk of attracting one is minuscule, even if you are traveling in thean Farattempt Eastto orimpress Africa.voters Andand supposecontrast youhimself endwith uphis with onecompetition. InBut thathis case,decision theto harmhide theyhis causenumerous ishealth minimal.conditions Kennedy's— falseparticularly statementthe inbrain theworm divorce— depositionraise mayserious havedoubts cheatedabout his ex-wifephysical outcompetence of a better settlement, but it pales in comparison to thebe medicalpresident panicand Kennedy sparked with his antitrustworthiness.