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US House Approves Antisemitism Bill

US House Approves Antisemitism Bill

Image copyright: Kevin Carter/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Amid increased concerns over "antisemitism," the US House on Wednesday passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, expanding the term's ambit and meaning.

  • Amid increased concerns over nationwide campus protests, the US House of Representatives on Wednesday passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a vote of 320 to 91.

The Spin

There's an urgent need to fight antisemitism on US college campuses. Violently antisemitic rhetoric has no place among students and young adults and by adopting the IHRA's definition of antisemitism this law goes a long way toward protecting the safety of Jewish students in America.

This is a bill that goes too far in defining hate speech and frames the issue in bad faith with vital missing context. It's important to fight antisemitism, but not at the expense of constitutional freedom of speech or in violation of one's religious beliefs.

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