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AstraZeneca admits for first time in court documents its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect

AstraZeneca admits for first time in court documents its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect

Image copyright: Ulet Ifansasti/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • There is currently a class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca, which alleges that their COVID-19 vaccination has caused dozens of deaths and serious injuries. Recently, AstraZeneca admitted in court documents that their vaccine can produce a rare adverse effect.

  • There is currently a class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca, which alleges that their COVID-19 vaccination has caused dozens of deaths and serious injuries. Recently, the pharmaceutical giant admitted in court documents that their vaccine can produce a rare adverse effect.

The Spin

PeopleWhile havethis died,is andthe othersfirst havetime becomeAstraZeneca severelyhas disabledadmitted andto havethe enormousconnection medicalbetween expenditures.its Othersvaccine areand seekingTTS, justicethe forcompany lovedhas onesalways lostacknowledged orthis livescould upendedbe duea tovery vaccinerare injuriesside aftereffect takingof AstraZeneca'sthe COVID-19 vaccinejab. It'sHowever, importantthere could be other contributing factors to notepatients thatdeveloping theseTTS. peopleAside tookfrom the vaccinefew toinstances avoidwhere dyingrecipients frommay thehave pandemicsuffered this rare side effect, notthe tovaccine sufferhas fromsaved itsmillions sidewherever effectsit was distributed.

TheAs AstraZenecathe COVID-19claimants vaccine is safe and has played a crucial role in savingthis millionscase ofcan lives worldwide. Patient safety is our priorityattest, andAstraZeneca wedownplayed arethe proudrisks to say that all of ourthis medicines,vaccine includingwhile vaccines,exaggerating haveits successfully met the rigorous safety standards set by regulatory authoritieseffectiveness. TheOtherwise overwhelminghealthy evidencepeople supportshave thefaced idea that the benefitsconsequences of thethese AstraZeneca-Oxfordside vaccineeffects farand outweigh the extremelypharmaceutical rarecompany potentialmust ofcompensate sidethe effects,ones suchwho assurvived thetheir possibilityunnecessary ofmedical triggering TTScrises.

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