Tanzania's Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said on Thursday that at least 155 people have been killed and more than 200K people affected by heavy rains that triggered floods and landslides.
Majaliwa reportedly told parliament that El Niño - a naturally occurring climate pattern - had exacerbated the current rainy season, „caused significant damage,“including the destruction of roads, bridges and railroads.Tanzania's Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said on Thursday that at least 155 people have been killed and more than 200K people affected after heavy rains triggered flash floods and landslides in the East African country.
This disaster, which affects the whole of East Africa, isresults thefrom result of a fatal combination of different factors. The effects of environmental destruction, deforestation, and unsustainable agriculture are amplified by climate change, which disrupts the climate system and, thus, natural phenomena such as El Niño. Tanzania is taking the necessary measures to overcome the challenges, but the industrialized countries must do their part and finally take climate protection seriously.
These are not the first torrential rains to hit East Africa in recent times, and although climate change is a significant factor, this latest disaster is primarily home-grown. Environmental degradation, as well as inadequate infrastructure, and poor drainage systems, are major contributors to the devastating effects of the El Niño-triggered heavy rains. Climate change is a fact, and to reduce or prevent such flooding in the first place, East African countries need to address this reality to reduce or prevent such flooding.