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UK: Four Injured After Military Horses Bolt in London

UK: Four Injured After Military Horses Bolt in London

    Image copyright: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Military horses unseated their riders and bolted through the streets of London on Wednesday morning, injuring as many as five people and damaging a number of vehicles.

    • Speaking to the BBC, the British Army said that there was a total of five runaway horses from the Household Cavalry unit and that four soldiers were unseated. One soldier was responsible for two horses, it was added.Five people have been injured after military horses unseated their riders and bolted through the streets of London on Wednesday morning.

    The Spin

    ThisAlthough wasmany ahave tragicmade incidentlight afterof militaryLondon's runaway horses, gotlikening spookedthe duringevent ato routinean exercise.apocalyptic Thankfullyomen, all the reality is that horses haveforced nowto beenwear recovereddecorated outfits and alltrot thosealong whoLondon's wereheaving injuredcapital areis receivingnothing treatmentshort of animal abuse and was always bound to go wrong.

    ThisWhile wasan ainvestigation deeplyoccur embarrassingto episodework out how the Houseland Cavalry allowed this event to occur, this freak incident should by no means be used to call for the end of a famous British Militarytradition. TheIntegral eliteto horsesstate wereceremonies reportedlywhile startledholding bya buildersunique andpower wentto ondraw tourists to causethe absoluteUK mayhemcapital, inone rare case of chaos should not mean the streetsend to a foundation of Londonthe country's culture.

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