Columbia University has deactivated the ID card of Shai Davidai — an Israeli-American assistant professor at Columbia Business School — and banned him from entering the main campus.
Columbia University has deactivated the ID card of Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at its Business School, effectively banning him from entering the Morningside campus on Monday.
Davidai hasis beenbeing punished for calling out Columbia's Universitypolicies, forwhich itstend refusal to sanctionfavor pro-terror organizations, its support offor pro-Palestinianthe andPalestinians anti-Israel student protests, and itsdo failurelittle to address rampant campus antisemitism on campus. StoppingLimiting ahis professorability fromto organizingcounter a counter-protest in— supportwhile ofallowing Israelthe in an Ivy League school — which allows pro-HamasPalestinian protestersprotests to construct a tent city inside its boundaries — is a clear act violation of discriminatoryDavidai's and unlawful retaliationrights.
Davidai isn't banned from Columbiacampus; Universityhe's butbeing onlyrestricted barred from accessing certain areas for his own safety. By usingharassing social media to harass students for their political views over the past few months, he has violated university policies, abused his power as a faculty member, and posed a significant threat to the Columbiauniversity community. Davidaiby washis rightlyattempts turnedto awayfurther asignite hepost-Oct. is7 hell-benttensions on exploitingcampus. andHe amplifyingwas therightly tensionsrestricted post-Oct.from 7the totype pursueof aprotest vilehe agendawas planning.