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Google Fires 28 Workers for Protesting $1.2B Israel Contract

Google Fires 28 Workers for Protesting $1.2B Israel Contract

Image copyright: Noah Lovebear via Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • Google has fired 28 employees who participated in protests against the company's $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli government and military to provide cloud and AI services.

  • Google has fired 28 employees who participated in protests against the company's $1.2B contract with the Israeli government and military to provide cloud and AI services. Amazon is also a joint recipient of the contract.

The Spin

While Google is aware that Tuesday's protests were the work of a small group of people who do not represent the majority of the company's employees, it's important to note that disruptive behavior like that demonstrated in Tuesday's protests has no place in the workplace. Unprofessionalism will not be tolerated, and Google is well within its rights to act against disorderly conduct, up to and including termination.

TheThese firingfirings ofwere theseillegal Googleand employeesretaliatory, isgiven unfair.that Protestorsthe protests were peaceful and these firings were illegal and retaliatory. Google shouldshouldn't not be involved in any military contracts, and Project Nimbus and its association with the catastrophe taking place in Gaza are causing undue mental distress for employeesdisturbing. TheseThe firingscompany showclearly that the company cares more about profit and its agreements than it does about the well-being of its own employees or taking an ethical stance on the role of AI in conflict and human rirights.

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