Tucker Carlson Visits Russia, Possibly to Interview Putin

Image copyright: Janos Kummer/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images (Aug. 7, 2021)

The Facts

  • Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was spotted in Moscow on Thursday attending the Spartacus ballet at the Bolshoi Theater.

  • This prompted questions about whether he was visiting to interview Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin, but when asked, Carlson said, "We'll see." He also said he had never visited before, adding he wanted "to talk to people, look around, and see how it’s doing...and it's doing very well."

The Spin

Left narrative

This disturbing development should convince everyone about Carlson's tie to the Kremlin. He's been spreading pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine propaganda for years — to the point where Russian state media used his rhetoric on its TV stations. Carlson has shown his true colors before, but personally interviewing Russia's autocratic leader would be his most dangerous media decision yet.

Right narrative

Leading journalists used to conduct interviews like this for all sorts of world leaders. Modern-day broadcast journalists are afraid to do so out of fear of being labeled a Russian or Putin apologist. With every other Western media outlet already characterizing Putin as a literal tyrant, if done correctly, Tucker could give the world a fresh, unopinionated report to allow viewers to make informed decisions.

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